Monday, November 30, 2009

Sip N See

Join us for some yummy snacks and Christmas shopping!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy Birthday Jesus

You do not want to miss out on this Tuesday's MOPS meeting!!

In keeping with the spirit of Christmas, we will be making some very cute Nativity blocks for our children, as well as stuffing Advent calendar bags for the AMBC Birthday Party for Jesus!

Speaking of the Birthday Party for Jesus, make sure to mark your calendar for this fun family event, which takes place Saturday, December 5th, 10:00am-Noon!

As we spend the month of December focusing on the most important relationship we all have, our relationship with God Almighty...let's begin by praising Him for sending His son Jesus into the world to save us.

Immanuel, God with us.

"For unto us is born this day in the City of David, a savior, which is Christ the Lord!" (Luke 2:11)

Monday, November 23, 2009

Tips for Going to the Doctor

During the month of November, we focused on the relationship that we have with our children!!

As a part of that, we had the privilege of hearing from local pediatrician, Dr. Anna Bell, as she answered all of our mommy questions! It was a wonderful, very informative time!

Check out her Tips for Going to the Doctor!

Tips for Going to the Doctor – from the Doctor!

Keep a list of questions that you think of to bring with you.

Let us know what you are thinking or worried about. – A parent’s instinct is often very valuable information. If you have a certain concern, we may not be aware that you are even worried about a certain cause unless you let us know what you have read or what is worrying you.

Read a kid’s ‘going to the doctor’ book in advance with your child.

Playing with a ‘doctor kit’ at home often helps. Your child could even bring it with him to the visit.

Bring your own toy or activity for your child while waiting.

Avoid offering shots as a threat or punishment – even at a visit when shots are not planned.

Ask for your child’s diagnosis and write it down, including any instructions or medications.

A great resource of information online is the American Academy of Pediatrics Parenting Corner –

Our next meeting will be Tuesday, December 1st. We will be focusing on our relationship with God.

See you then!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Awesome Quote

"I know that some jobs don't really count, don't make much of a difference, don't actually matter that much, don't have much lasting significance. Not so with mothering. I know that in some jobs the worker is only handling cleaning equipment, or car parts, or computer keyboards, or insurance policies, or court cases, or political legislation, or stockholders' funds. Not so with mothering. A mother is handling things of a far greater magnitude. She's handling never-dying souls. She's daily conducting heart surgery on eternal spirits whose forever destinies are influenced most profoundly by the hands that rock their cradles, wipe their noses, spank their fannies, open their Bibles, prepare their after-school snacks, and turn off their bedroom lights. Those motherly hands are molding characters which will become men and women who will turn the world upside down either for good or for evil. Now that's a job that counts. " Womanly Dominion, page 108-109

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Our Children

November's MOPS topic is the VERY important relationship that we each have in our life...the one relationship that brings us together...OUR CHILDREN!!

You do not want to miss this Tuesday's meeting (November 3rd), as we have the great privilege of hearing from Dr. Anna Bell, Christian pediatrician, who is a member of Hyde Park Baptist Church! She will answer the questions that we have been dying to ask our own pediatricians about our precious little ones...while we eat yummy snacks!

As always, I will post any prayer requests on our private prayer blog so let me know if you do not want your request posted. I have also started a new AMBC MOPS recipe blog, go here to check it out!

See you Tuesday!