Tuesday, June 22, 2010

New Meeting Times

MOPS 2010-2011 will take place as follows:

1st Tuesday:
9:30-11:30am MOPS Morning Group Meeting

6:30-8:30pm MOPS Evening Group Meeting

***Childcare will be available for both meetings for a small fee. Meeting content will be exactly the same (you choose your time). Morning meeting will continue if there is enough interest.

2nd-4th Tuesdays:
9:30-11:30am Moms Bible Study

***Childcare will be available for a small fee.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Agape PRC

We learned alot about the wonderful ministry of Agape Pregnancy Resource Center from Jo Markham, who came to speak to our MOPS group!

And we had tons of fun at our MOPS baby shower for Agape! We collected alot of great stuff for their "store."

To see pictures and hear more about the things we learned, go HERE!

Dinner Party

We had a blast at our MOPS Dinner Party!!

Pretty Table!

Yummy Food!

Pretty Girls!

We collected lots of new recipes to add to the cute recipe books we made!!

Check the recipe blog soon for a list of the new recipes!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

All About Food

This month in MOPS is all about food!!

We all love food, so I know you won't want to miss out!

We are going to be making recipe books, sharing recipes, tasting each other's recipes and having a dinner party...among other things!

We will also be making some important announcements related to convention, playdates, etc.

And I will be sharing a little bit about a website called $5 Dinners (link is on the sidebar) that I think you will love and also about some books by Sheri Rose Shepherd (who we discovered at the EWomen conference a few weeks ago) that are great for moms, particularly moms of boys...which most of us are!

Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Easter Crosses for Kids

Did you hear about Kim's wonderful new kids' product?!!?

It is basically the same idea as an advent calendar at Christmas, but you use it strictly during Holy Week (Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday).

Click here to find out how you can win one for your kids, just in time for Easter!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Personalized Frame Giveaway!!

Hey Ladies!!

Click here to enter a giveaway for one of these super-cute, custom, personalized frames that would be perfect for your kiddos!

If you win, you get to choose the design, colors, name, etc. I am going to get baseball ones for my boys!!

Even if you do not win, you can email Julia at workwifemomlife@gmail.com to order one and if you mention Worthy of the Prize, you get %25 off any custom frame.

The frames are only $10 and ALL of the proceeds go to families with babies who have extended stays in the NICU!

So...you can't lose...you get a cute frame for a good cause!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Mini Color Book Pictures

Those of you who missed our last MOPS meeting really missed out on a GREAT time!!

The mini color books turned out SO cute and we had a fun time putting them together!

Here are the pictures so you can at least get an idea of how they turned out!

Didn't Kim do a great job editing our pictures?!!?

Also, congrats to the following winners of our picture contest categories...

Best Overall:
Best Use of the Color: Melissa B.
Most Unusual/Creative: Erin

Thanks to all who participated, everyone did a wonderful job...my boys already LOVE their book...it is helping EJ learn his colors and Anderson just likes looking at his friends!

Make sure to join us at our next meeting (Tuesday, Mar. 2nd) as we talk about how to best relate to our extended families, particularly our MIL's!

Toni Tichi
will be our guest speaker!

See you then, can't wait!

FYI...Due to Spring Break, this will be our ONLY meeting in March!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Color Picture Books Contest!!

For MOPS on Feb. 16th, we'll be making color picture books for our kiddos!

Remember, we need YOU to help us take the pictures that we'll put in the books that night.

Here are the colors that we are going to put in the books:

-Red (Kristy)
-Orange (Lisa)
-Yellow (Melissa B.)
-Green (Sheri)
-Blue (Hazel)
-Purple (Sheri)
-Pink (Hazel)
-Brown (Melissa A.)
-Black (Erin)
-White (Judy)

***The names next to each color are the people who signed up for that color at the last meeting!

We need YOU to take pictures of your kids that have these colors in them. You can try all 10 colors or pick a few. Be creative! We are going to hand out a small award to the winners of the following categories:

-Best Overall
-Most Creative
-Most Unusual
-Best Use of the Color

We need all pictures to be emailed to Kim (mkege@yahoo.com) by Friday, Feb. 12th. We'll announce the winners at the next MOPS meeting and will have everyone's pictures printed to use in the books.

***If you signed up for a color, make sure to send your picture in, so that we are sure to have one picture in each color, in order to make the books!

Our next meeting will also have a Valentine Party theme, you will not want to miss it!

Happy Month of Love!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A Wise Word from Jan

With the holidays well behind us, we often begin to realize that there are some areas in our lives we need to work on. This usually includes such things as physical fitness, organization of our homes and disciplines we know that are good for us. For some reason, though, we have never quite been able to nail them down.

In 2009, because of a wake up call due to my mother’s health, I have learned so much about the benefits, and yes, the joy of regular exercise. But as I worked on this over the year, being consistent, overcoming obstacles, setting reasonable goals and just exercising even when I didn’t want to, I discovered many spiritual implications through exercise! God flooded my heart with His understanding. I realized three principles He had for me.

The first is setting the core. As you exercise, it is important to tighten your abdominal muscles and retract your shoulder blades to get a good spinal alignment that prevents sore backs. You would not believe how easy and effective this is for you if done consistently! God gives us a way to strengthen our spiritual core. He calls it intimacy with Him. God loves you and wants your heart! He provided the way by giving His sinless Son to remove our sins that come between us and Him. He then gives us tools that make us close to Him. The Bible, God’s Word and prayer (talking to Him one on one) are God’s gifts to us along with His Holy Spirit. As we spend time everyday reading, meditating, memorizing, and studying God’s Word, we can know God better. Prayer helps us hear from Him as we let Him hear from us. Now, you may be thinking, “HOW? I have babies and millions of things pulling at me.” I don’t mean hours of intense study, just precious moments deliberately set aside for the One who loves you passionately.

The second principle is consistency. No matter how little time you invest, do it DAILY. You make it a habit. You turn wasted time into a benefit. You learn, you discern, you become wise, but most of all you actually love the time spent with the Father! Consistency does that. Your day is not complete without that touch that comes from spending time with your Father!

Finally, use accountability. Several years ago I went to a Precept Bible Study Conference and Kay Arthur said something that really stuck with me. She said everyone needs a Barnabas, a Timothy, and a Paul. This is accountability in three different, but strategic areas. Barnabas. This is probably your best friend. Someone to walk through life with you, to laugh with, to cry with, to raise kids with and much more! These are dear relationships that are sent by God to encourage you and help through life. Paul. This is someone who is older and wiser than you (not necessarily age wise!) They are not afraid to ask you the hard questions. They love you and guide you and pour their experiences into your life. Choose them carefully and enjoy what you receive from the wisdom and maturity they have to give. The final relationship is Timothy. This is sometimes harder and a little more intimidating. This could be someone younger, but not necessarily. They are someone you can pour your life into! Don’t let this scare you. God moves you in His direction as you walk with Him. You only have to be one step ahead! This will challenge you more and grow you faster than any other relationship!

Now you may ask, “How will I find these people?” and “How will I fit this into a busy schedule?” Just pray about it and ask the Lord to give the person, time, energy and desire. Not everyone will have all three people in your life at the same time. Remember, accountability is amazing and leads to discipline in your life.

The woman who leads in my exercise DVDs said something that always motivates me to put on my shoes and get moving, no matter what. She says, “After you have finished exercising you never say, “I wish I hadn’t done that!””

Spending time with the Lord through prayer and Bible study on a consistent schedule and seeking out and establishing relationships with accountability partners will definitely help you. You will develop the discipline it takes to obey, enjoy and love what God calls you to do. You’ll never say, “I wish I hadn’t done that!”

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Parent Summit

Click here to check out the Parent Summit, this Sat. Feb 6 at Kingsland BC in Katy.

Aaron and I are planning to go. It only costs $20 per family plus $2 per child for childcare.

Contact Rod for more information or to sign up!

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Since February is the month of LOVE, our theme in MOPS this month will be the very important relationship that we all share...our relationship with our husband/significant other (or the father of our child/children)!

You DO NOT want to miss this meeting, we will have a very special guest speaker joining us...Dawn Reeves!

Dawn has a passion for marriage. She has been writing, teaching, speaking and mentoring wives on the subject for over twenty years.

Dawn was married for nearly 38 years until her husband Hank passed away in 2004. Dawn continued to speak and teach, with Hank as the example of how God could work in the heart of an unsaved husband when his wife got out of the way. Dawn uses humor and tears to tell the story of how God resurrected her seemingly dead marriage, and how Hank came to faith and to lead his family in that faith for over twenty years.

Then God did an amazing thing and brought Jerry into her life. They married in a story that only God could write. Jerry also had a marriage ministry that he and his wife Sandra (who passed away in 2004 as well) had developed on the same subject of the resurrected marriage. Dawn and Jerry, with over 80 years of combined experience, have joined their studies and have spoken in several venues.

Dawn is currently working on certification as a Christian Life Coach, but she prefers to call her ministry, “Wife Coaching." Dawn and Jerry have four married children and seven grandchildren. Dawn’s four live near her in the DFW area and Jerry’s three granddaughters live in Africa.

Dawn still believes in happily ever after.

Doesn't her story sound incredible? I can't wait to hear what she has to say!

We will also have the privilege of talking with Donna Lambert about her vision for our upcoming Mom's Weekday Bible Study! I know many of you are just as excited as I am about starting this new time together every week!

See you Tuesday! Invite your friends!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Newest Member

Our newest little member...

Tyler Wayne
January 15, 2010
6lb 8 oz
18 ¾ in long

Proud Parents: John and Jessica

Congratulations, can't wait to meet the little guy!

Monday, January 18, 2010

It's that time again!

Can you believe it is already time for another MOPS meeting?!!?

My how time flies when you're havin' fun!

Actually it is more like...my how time flies when you are in bed sick for a whole week! Ha!

Anyways...here is the agenda for this week:

1. Snacks as always
2. Announcements as always
3. Bring 1 copy of your recipe to give to Erin (can be a favorite or something you discovered over the holidays, just bring one!!)
4. Make command center binders
5. Prayer requests as always

Invite your friends!

See you Tuesday!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Accountability Partners

I hope you all had a wonderful time celebrating the birth of Christ and ringing in the new year with loved ones!

I must admit, however, that I am excited to get back into a somewhat "normal" routine and to see my girls at MOPS again!

Our first meeting of 2010 is this Tuesday, January 5th, 6:00-8:00pm, in the AMBC Fellowship Hall!

You do not want to miss this meeting as Jan Magness talks to us about a very important relationship that we should all strive to delevop...an accountability partner!

It is perfect timing too since we all need someone to help us stick to our new year's resolutions!

Hope to see you there!

Friday, January 1, 2010

3 on 3 Fit Challenge

Hey Ladies!!

It's time to GET FIT...physically and spiritually!

I have created the 3 on 3 Fit Challenge to help keep us accountable!

Go here to learn more about it and leave a comment if you are going to join me!

Happy 2010!