Monday, November 23, 2009

Tips for Going to the Doctor

During the month of November, we focused on the relationship that we have with our children!!

As a part of that, we had the privilege of hearing from local pediatrician, Dr. Anna Bell, as she answered all of our mommy questions! It was a wonderful, very informative time!

Check out her Tips for Going to the Doctor!

Tips for Going to the Doctor – from the Doctor!

Keep a list of questions that you think of to bring with you.

Let us know what you are thinking or worried about. – A parent’s instinct is often very valuable information. If you have a certain concern, we may not be aware that you are even worried about a certain cause unless you let us know what you have read or what is worrying you.

Read a kid’s ‘going to the doctor’ book in advance with your child.

Playing with a ‘doctor kit’ at home often helps. Your child could even bring it with him to the visit.

Bring your own toy or activity for your child while waiting.

Avoid offering shots as a threat or punishment – even at a visit when shots are not planned.

Ask for your child’s diagnosis and write it down, including any instructions or medications.

A great resource of information online is the American Academy of Pediatrics Parenting Corner –

Our next meeting will be Tuesday, December 1st. We will be focusing on our relationship with God.

See you then!

Happy Thanksgiving!

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